There is nothing worse than not knowing what you need to invest.

Of course there will be variances depending on each specific business but it is important to have a start point.

We are looking forward to working with you to help elevate your sales processes to the next level.

Sellsmart Pricing…

  • Step 1: Evaluation of Business Development

    Our initial step in any project involves conducting a comprehensive assessment of your business development strategies and activities through a half/full day discovery workshop. This session allows us to gain a thorough understanding of your current approach and objectives, enabling us to pinpoint where SellSmart can offer the most significant benefits.

    During this workshop, we'll delve into various aspects including past business initiatives, present performance metrics, brand identity, company culture, and your future aspirations. Our aim is to determine how you can consistently generate a sufficient number of leads from diverse channels aligned with your business objectives.

    Following the evaluation, we'll prioritise key areas and formulate a tailored 3-month plan based on mutual agreement. You will then receive a detailed report outlining our findings, along with a draft strategy and recommendations highlighting the areas requiring the most attention.


    Comprehensive workshop for health check

    Customised Business Development Strategy

    Tactical plan for three months

    Templates for weekly, bi weekly and monthly reporting

    Framework for calculating KPIs

    Suite of supportive templates as needed

    Cost: £2,500 (Initial deposit of £1,000, with the balance due upon completion)

    This process typically spans one month, assuming efficient scheduling of workshop sessions.

  • Step 2: Ongoing Guidance, Support, and Execution

    If you're confident in independently implementing the devised business development strategy, we are happy for you to leave us after the initial health check. However, should you require assistance in achieving the new objectives, we offer continued support through two avenues:

    Mentoring and Support:

    For those comfortable with executing the plan themselves but seeking guidance and oversight, we offer ongoing support on a retainer basis for a duration of up to 6 months. This involves regular reporting, mentoring of senior staff, and ad hoc support for business development queries.

    Cost: £4,500 (£750 per month over 6 months)

    Frequency of interaction can be tailored to your needs and aligned with the agreed plan. We would recommend at least bi-weekly meetings with SMT.


    Upon approval of the strategy and plan, we can collaborate with you to execute and manage the plan over a 6-month period. This includes activities such as developing strategic partnerships, conducting client feedback interviews, event planning, outbound campaigns, recruitment assistance, and internal team training.

    Cost: £12,000 (£2,000 per month over 6 months)

    For this level of support, we will dedicate a minimum of one day per week to executing your Business Development Strategy.

    Expertise Areas:

    Amazon Specialists

    Market route identification

    Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) generation

    Growth Management

    Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)